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The Blogfather

"Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can
never be a real man." Don Corleone

Speak up Sooner Fans

So we just got ourselves spanked in the Orange Bowl. I know that when you woke up Wednesday morning you were probably much like me and didnt want to put on one of your sooner t-shirts or wear one of your sooner hats. You may have sat down in your office like me and thought to yourself do I really have to sit and look at all of these OU pictures all day long. But that was Wednesday and this is Friday, and like everything else the sting is beginning to wear off and I am beginning to realize that it just isn't all that bad to play in three of the last five national championship games. So I decided that we should all have a place to post our thoughts and here we are at this blog.

So come one come all Sooner Fans or Haters! Lets talk all things Sooner.

Boomer Sooner,

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