Day Four!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
You know it is kind of nice making myself write something everyday. Tiger doesn't tee off until 2 today in the western open. This week Tiger could become the first Golfer to reach the 50mil mark for winnings. See the story at Yahoo!
This intro to Lit class is kicking me in the rear. I have to take a test tonight that I am completely unprepared for... It is not actually due until saturday, but we are heading to the outlaws house tommarow and Saturday is to be full of Independence day festivities, you know turtle races, egg tosses and the like.
Before I get to the testing tonight I have an APICS tour to attend of a tier 1 supplier to the local GM factory... this is sure to be interesting and informative, and I am kind of looking forward to it.
If your cool you will join my Fantasy Football League:
League ID#: 131846
Password: sooners
I am getting so excited about the upcoming football season.
Go Colts!!!!!!!! Read more!
This intro to Lit class is kicking me in the rear. I have to take a test tonight that I am completely unprepared for... It is not actually due until saturday, but we are heading to the outlaws house tommarow and Saturday is to be full of Independence day festivities, you know turtle races, egg tosses and the like.
Before I get to the testing tonight I have an APICS tour to attend of a tier 1 supplier to the local GM factory... this is sure to be interesting and informative, and I am kind of looking forward to it.
If your cool you will join my Fantasy Football League:
League ID#: 131846
Password: sooners
I am getting so excited about the upcoming football season.
Go Colts!!!!!!!! Read more!