Big Brother 6 (week 6, episode 3)

Farewell to Sarah. For a moment we thought that she had a chance, but not so in the end. However, I did enjoy seeing Ivette sweet bullets, as she thought that she had been taken for a ride. Everyone took my advice and voted Kaysar back into the house. Sweet! We will see if he and James work things out or not. I don’t know what it is about me, but I am always pulling for the underdog. I would like to see James wreak some more havoc in the house before they finally get to him, which they inevitably will. The HOH competition was a cliff-hanger so we don’t know who won it yet. It was a great concept. The design was to see who can hang on to a button the longest with boxes that will release something every time someone drops off. The fist box Big Brother opened had flies. It was hilarious to watch Beau squirm around, what a wuss. Saturday night we find out who won Head of Household and who they will put up.